Tuesday, June 8, 2010

who love you more????

i had tried a few interesting quizez in the facebook....
this one is the most interesting quiz that i ever had tried!!!!!!!!!!
try it!!!!!!!!!!!!

well,i can say it....
it can be accurate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the person who love me are so in the list!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can you just believe it!!!!!!!!!
either i'm not believe it!!!!!
the first in my list is :
aziza kamarul zaman....i love you geeja!!!so damn much!!!!!!!!!!!!

the second in my list is :
afiqah abdul latif......i love you beb!!!!!!!!!so much!!!!!!!!

the third in my list is :
husna dahari.......thanks husna!!!!!!!!!!!!sayang gak ko kat aku...ak pon sayang gak kat ko!!!!!!!

thanks to all you guys...!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love so much!!!!!!!!!!

here are the next names who love me.....

4:Ckay Dakpurple - 7 Times
5:Azureen Innes - 7 Times
6:Greeniess Apple - 4 Times
7:Aima Aj - 3 Times
8:Aina Najwa Khan - 2 Times
9:Husna Wakatipu - 2 Times
10:Cheeq Wakatipu - 1 Times
11:Muhammad Hafiz Shah - 1 Times
12:Palliey Paolo Ramirez - 1 Times
13:Aim Shaffika - 1 Times
14:Kimie Qayyimah - 1 Times
15:Emirah Zakaria - 1 Times
16:Ashraf Mazlan - 1 Times
17:Sungmin Chibi Miahajar - 1 Times

thanks guy!!!!!!!!!!!
may GOD bless you!!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry..terdelete comment..just wanna to say..
    thanks to all you guys who love me!!!!!!!!!!!
    i love you too!!!!!!!!!!!

    MAY GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!

    to geeja,fiq and husna dahari..thanks for loving me!!!!!!!
    aku sayang korang sangat2!!!!
